Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Patience, Yeah Whatever!

Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one's character can take before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.

We tell our children constantly to be patient.  " Please be patient.  Good things come to those who wait."  On the other hand when they won't do or act according to our plan we blurt, "You are testing my patience!"  I have been faced with the issue of patience lately, in almost all aspects of my life.  As I looked again at the definition of patience I realized, this is NO easy task.  I think it comes from unreasonable expectations, which I admit I have about almost everything.  I expect things to happen on my schedule.  I want results, reactions, redemption, and sometimes revenge instantaneously.  I know in my squirrely head that this is not right, that these things will not happen on my time line or maybe ever.  But without a doubt I let these expectations run my life.  I get angry, frustrated, incensed....when I can't get an answer, finish a project or make other people have unreasonable expectations to match mine!  I guess I need to redefine my expectations in order to wrap my head around the idea of true patience. 

Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances.  

Are my daily circumstances really difficult, no...Do I have situations in my life that truly require patience, of course.  This all falls back to a little cliche....I know, I love these.....Let Go and Let God.  So for today I will take a deep breath and practice patience where it is needed and you know what I'll do with the rest of it.....

Friday, August 12, 2011

When we sweat the small stuff......

When we sweat the small stuff we miss out on the big stuff.
We become consumed with what others think instead of worrying about others.  We can't look beyond our own needs and wants to discover that we hold the power to change someone's life with a caring act or a listening ear Sweating the small stuff in our lives is actually quite selfish.  Who are we to fret and worry about our possessions, our position.  If we truly believe it is all in God's hands we are not being very trusting when we can't give it all, and I mean all of it,  into  God's very capable hands.  If we can find a way to let loose of all the worries, big and little, it gives us so much more time and capacity to love others in a meaningful way.  To really hear our children when they are expressing their feelings of happiness, disappointment, anger and fear.  To let worry go gives our hearts room for great giving and compassion.  It is such a  puny rather insignificant statement, "Don't sweat the small stuff", but to me it doesn't mean we shouldn't give time to look at our own lives or problems, to me it means, "don't let the trivial everyday situations prevent you from being who God created you to be......The loving, caring, forgiving image of Himself."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ernie the Bug Man

Being a religious person, and trying, most of the time, without success, I do try to see God's work and the good in people everywhere.  I seem to gravitate to the obvious...children, pastors, well meaning friends.  I DO try to look beyond the most likely candidates, and see God in people who aren't always nice, smiling, friendly or well meaning.  Today I saw God, I stood in an open garage and actually spoke to God....He wasn't a pastor, a friend, or someone I would consider unpleasant, and definitely wasn't a complete stranger......It was Ernie, the "bug man", otherwise known as an exterminator.  Ernie had come to my friend's home to spray for bugs and do a preventative check for termites.  My friend's daughter is in the hospital and I have offered to help get her daughter's room ready for her return home.  Ernie went about his business and we came to a stopping point.  He thought we should clear some plants against the house and I couldn't have that done immediately.  We agreed that we would schedule another time when he could finish spraying, and as he said, "Do the best job he could do."  We headed out of the house and he looked at his palm pilot, checking dates.....He said, "You know, she is going to be alright."  Before I could utter a response he went on, he told me that God works through situations. He hasn't necessarily created the situation ,  but He can teach his followers something through them.  I stood with my mouth, which I'm sure was hanging open, unable to speak.  He went on......He said," You know all the good you're doing here?  All the good that this family has done?  Your church?" I said." Yes."  He said," God accepts it, but he doesn't need it. He is everything, everywhere, perfection, that is why he gives it back to you in another form.  It may be a strengthened faith, it may be a prayer answered or a healthy outcome.  It comes back, whether you feel you deserve it or not."  At this point I started to weep.  I wasn't sobbing but, I WAS weeping.  He took my hand and confidently stated,  "She is going to be fine."  I composed myself and told him I would call him with a follow up appointment time, that would work with the outpatient treatments my friend's daughter would be having.  I put out my hand to shake his....he shook his head and with open arms embraced me.   He told me he would be gone to Guadalajara on a mission trip for a week and to call him after that..... I am certain I have seen God before, but my eyes were not open to it.  Thank you Ernie, for opening my eyes to see God right in front of me, working through you.......