Friday, August 12, 2011

When we sweat the small stuff......

When we sweat the small stuff we miss out on the big stuff.
We become consumed with what others think instead of worrying about others.  We can't look beyond our own needs and wants to discover that we hold the power to change someone's life with a caring act or a listening ear Sweating the small stuff in our lives is actually quite selfish.  Who are we to fret and worry about our possessions, our position.  If we truly believe it is all in God's hands we are not being very trusting when we can't give it all, and I mean all of it,  into  God's very capable hands.  If we can find a way to let loose of all the worries, big and little, it gives us so much more time and capacity to love others in a meaningful way.  To really hear our children when they are expressing their feelings of happiness, disappointment, anger and fear.  To let worry go gives our hearts room for great giving and compassion.  It is such a  puny rather insignificant statement, "Don't sweat the small stuff", but to me it doesn't mean we shouldn't give time to look at our own lives or problems, to me it means, "don't let the trivial everyday situations prevent you from being who God created you to be......The loving, caring, forgiving image of Himself."