Friday, February 17, 2012

Time for Change or Watch out for the lava!

My life, like all of our lives, is in a constant upheaval.  I compare mine to those videos in science class we watched in Jr. High of the earth's crust erupting with moving molten lava, as they tried to liken the video footage with what they assume is how our planet was formed.  I know if I breathe, and stand still for just a moment I realize that others have more tumultuous events occurring in their lives.  Eventually, it all comes back to the hot molten lava...I can justify any and every event as a  cosmic collision.  "I know you're going through a lot right now,but, let me fill you in on my latest catastrophe!"  It's really funny in a ridiculous, sitcom kind of way when I think about it...I have, undeniably, been through a lot these past six months.  My mother, 74, was blindsided by a petition for divorce from my second stepfather.  My sister was evicted from her apartment and happily reported she was eating hotel patrons leftovers placed outside their rooms for Thanksgiving dinner.  I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, not life threatening, stable in growth for now.  My dear friends daughter was diagnosed and successfully treated for Leukemia. We are being hounded by the IRS...I could go on and on, the molten lava overtaking every nook and cranny of my existence until I am perched on the corner of an end table hanging on to sanity so the lava won't swallow me up and burn me alive!  That's when breathing is a really good idea.  I know everyone else is living with the "lava effect".  Our church recently added a contemporary service to our worship options.  Now, understand, we are a Presbyterian church in an predominantly white, upper middle class neighborhood.  We have been doing the same thing for more than 25 years...Adding this service was like asking the congregation to accept live sacrifices on the alter every Sunday.  Don't misunderstand.  It wasn't the idea of contemporary worship.  We talk about it, embrace the principles, encourage those who want to participate in worship in any form,but...Change?  Add something, different? To our worship schedule? Hmmm, not so comfortable.  Here comes that lava!  Every aspect of this monumental event was scrutinized.  Where will people park?  Won't this pull people from our traditional service?  It was almost as if we were taking ownership of worship itself.  "their way might be okay, our way is the right way".  This Sunday, in the traditional service, yes, I go to the traditional service.  Don't hate me.  I like it, I sing in the choir, I feel comfortable there. Anyway, in the traditional service the sermon was about being who God wants you to be...Living up to the expectations He has for us.  Stop, breathe, listen...Listen to your own heart.  Don't let the lava over take your life.  It isn't about you.  It's about Him working in your life.   It is time for change.  I am trying to envision the waves crashing on the lava, cooling it, washing away the stress and tumult of the day.  I know that my life will always be in upheaval.  I can look at it as destructive, or...look at it as growth.  Those layers of lava in my life once cooled by love and faith give me strength...

1 comment:

  1. I love you write so beautifully! Hang in there girl!
