Saturday, July 23, 2011

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

Let me set the scene...One hundred or so children.  Ages range from 3 to 18, three weeks in the stinking hot Arizona summer.  Three to five different groups, defined by age.  Two crazed women. Kay Randolph, pianist and vocal coach.  Polly Chapman, director and choreographer.  Three to five,  depending on the summer, abridged musicals.  THREE WEEKS!!!  We are talking scenery, costumes, lines, lines lines.....Dancing, blocking, staging, props, more lines...Singing, more dancing more blocking and of course more lines.  My children have had the great privilege to participate in this chaotic, theatrical, menagerie for the better part of their lives.  After 25 glorious years the superhuman production team are turning off the stage lights, packing away the props and wiping away the greasepaint along with countless tears.  These aren't members of my family, but they might as well be.  They have helped me raise my children and have given me unwanted advise more times than I can count. So
I sit here, thinking about how Do Re Mi's Summer Company has affected my life during the past 18 years I have been a part of it...Summer Company has not just been a part of my and my children's lives but an extension of our lives. It all started 18 summers ago when my now 22-year-old college graduate, Katie, was in Hot Sizzling Summer. From that moment on, when Kay and Polly stood on the stage, and said the words I've now heard at least 300 times," Our job is not to make your child a star, but a better person through theater.” with that strong promise I was hooked, line and sinker. It's all true, believe it or not. They had visions of better-behaved, well rounded, likable tots all do to with a simple premise, team work. Like a soccer or softball team these kids ran lines, moved stage pieces, danced, sang, laughed and cried. They rarely let each other down and when that happened, the dynamic duo turned it into a teachable moment. I was not left out of this 25-year escapade. I was sucked into teaching art, have done this for 11 years now. I also have done the props for 13 years, and sold dash o grams for 10. Don't get me wrong I have loved every minute of it! I have convinced myself that I am the only person who could have expertly executed all of these jobs! I've stood in the back of the room during rehearsals every summer and watched Kay and Polly encourage, scold and LOVE all of the children who have been fortunate enough to sign up and spend three amazing weeks with them. My three girls have learned teamwork, poise, and most importantly self respect. They have formed friendships that will truly last a lifetime. I have learned that the time you invest in all children has the biggest return. I know I'm a decent parent but I have to give a lot of credit to two super talented women who forever changed my summers and forever changed my children for the better.....Thanks for the memories Kay and Polly!




  1. Oh, Bethanne....I love you. What a nice tribute and all so true. I wish my kids had been as fortunate as yours....I am grateful for the little exposure they have had..but I fear it is not enough! You are wonderful for writing this!

  2. what you said was perfect!!!! Summer company was an amazing part of our lives and it will be missed!!! but oh the memories :)
