Thursday, July 28, 2011

One Feather at a Time.....

I have recently been struck by the generosity of others.  Not necessarily strangers, but my awareness of the tiniest gestures have seemed somehow magnified.  Every door opened, kind word.  Offers of help are being taken seriously.  When a life changing event happens to people you love it has an almost Matrix effect.  Things around you are moving at warp speed and frame by frame slow motion at the same time.  People say everyday," live each day to the fullest", " you don't know what tomorrow will bring", I hear these words I fully acknowledge they are true.  It isn't until your life has been touched by unforeseen circumstances that they actually resonate within you.  There are so many ways to spread love and kindness.  I guess what I'm getting at gesture is too small, cliche I know.  What seems insignificant to you, may mean the one bright spot in someone's very dark day.  It doesn't need to make you feel ethereal, although that would be nice.  As the Nike campaign says, 'Just Do It'.... Open a door, smile at a stranger, send a card, a call, even a text to someone who is scared, ill or hurting.  It might not even effect you all that much, but I guarantee the kindness will have great ramifications.  Never think, "what can I do? They don't know me. Someone else would do a better, bigger, more heartfelt job"  Giving generously of yourself should become routine.  Like gardening, the results you see and feel may not happen right away, but they will happen.  The love and nurturing feelings however small will produce contentment, understanding, patience, and joy.  A friend of mine just told me I was an angel......I said I was doing what needed to be done and that I am far from being an angel.  She said these simple words which won't stop replaying in my mind...... Referring to angel's wings, "We all can become angels, one feather at a time.

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